Zones of Regulation
Zones of Regulation Programme
Through the zones of regulation students can develop the ability to use tools to help them find success in school, at home and within the community. Through this cognitive approach tamariki realise when they are in different emotional states/zones. To regulate effectively, it is imperative that students understand emotions and how they are portrayed. (Facial expressions, body language etc).
What is self-regulation?
Self regulation describes a person's ability to complete what needs to be done in an optimal state for a given situation. For example, a fire alarm going off. If this were to happen you first would need to use your sensory processing skills to interpret if this alarm is something you need to pay attention to. Secondly, you would need to provide an execution function to achieve what needs to be done. For example, you hear a fire alarm and know it’s important. Now you need to use our working memory to access the fire safety plan/where to meet. Lastly, in order to self-regulate effectively, emotional regulation needs to be managed. To continue with the previous example, you are aware the fire alarm is off, you know you need to get to the desired meeting point, you now need to manage your emotions by keeping yourself calm so a mistake or accident doesn't happen along the way.
This is one example of how these three components allow us to regulate. The Zones of regulation programme’s goal is to teach and give students tools to manage these components effectively.
The Zones
Each zone is referred to by a specific colour. Through the use of explicit teaching students begin to develop awareness around how to transition through each zone with the use of calming tools and scenery supports.
"The Zones of Regulation is a tool we can use to help us identify and recognise our own emotions and triggers. It supports us to learn to make the right choices. It also helps us to become more aware of how our actions affect other people. We can use a range of strategies and make good choices to achieve self-control in a safe way. All of the zones are natural to experience and when we can recognise, understand and manage the zone we are in we are able to take control and manage ourselves." - Hukanui Year 3&4 Team
Emotional Literacy
Emotional Literacy is a 10 week programme that is used in the junior school through explicit teaching within a shared reading context. This unit allows students to explore and navigate self regulation, social strategies and feelings. Each week a social story is introduced with a specific goal for the students to achieve. For example, dealing with anger, creating calming tools, positive self talk and more. The photo to the left provides an example of students relating their feelings to a volcano and helps them understand how to successfully stop themselves from 'exploding' in anger, anxiety or sadness.
"Emotional Literacy has helped our learners understand a range of big feelings and with support unpack and regulate these emotions. We have also seen students build a range of vocabulary to help them express themselves and support their peers." -Year 2 Team