PTA News

Hukanui Parent Teacher Association

On behalf of the Hukanui School Parent-Teachers Association (PTA), we would like to warmly welcome new parents and whānau to Hukanui.

The Hukanui PTA consists of parents and caregivers, along with staff members, who work together to improve communication and connections between school and home, as well as support the school with various events and projects.

As parents, guardians, and caregivers of a current student, you are automatically a member of the PTA. The role of the PTA is varied. It provides an opportunity for parents to meet and make connections – at meetings, at our monthly Coffee Mornings, and during events and fundraisers. We help organise activities that our children really look forward to, such as ice-block and hotdog days and our annual disco, as well as run our popular Second-Hand Uniform Sale which helps many families buy affordable uniform items. The PTA also supports the school through the funding of numerous projects and learning programmes around the school.

Some of our recent endeavours have included the repair and refurbishment of our school pool, the purchase of new sports uniforms, ice packs for the sports bags, the school’s current on-line maths programme (Matific), Jump Jam and Jiggle Jam licensed DVDs, the purchase of new Junior Readers, new sports balls and the restoration of the school’s gully boardwalk – the list goes on!

For the PTA to keep functioning, we need parents/caregivers to put their hands up and get involved. The PTA is run by volunteers who, just like you, already have at times frantically busy lives – but the more people who help out, the lighter everyone’s load.

Welcome to the HUKANUI PTA

The Hukanui PTA meets once per month in the school staffroom – the dates can be found on the school calendar or in the newsletter and will be advertised on our Facebook page. These meetings are an opportunity to hear an update from the school and Board of Trustees, meet other parents, and contribute to planning future PTA events and fundraisers.

But you don’t need to attend a meeting to get involved – we are always looking for volunteers to help with events and projects. If you would like to join our mailing list, contact us on and we’ll make sure you keep up to date. You can also follow us on Facebook

The Hukanui PTA is a registered charity and is run by a voluntary committee. Our current committee members are

Chairperson: Chris Drake Secretary: Rebecca Ralph Treasurer: Ruth Dray-Smith

Teacher Representatives: Lisa Gwyn and Nicky Main

These positions are voted on every year at our AGM, held in March.

If you have any questions about the Hukanui PTA, please contact us anytime, or pop along to one of our meetings.