Domestic English Language Learners
We are proud of our ELLs programme at Hukanui School. Students in the ELLs programme may be NZ -born or migrants from non-English speaking backgrounds as well as International students. Our learners from varied cultures and language-backgrounds are taught by experienced ELLs teachers and Learning Assistants.
Children will often acquire conversational competence after a year or two of learning a second language. It takes between five and seven years to gain the academic language skills required for engaging with the curriculum. Each curriculum area has its own particular language, and support is needed to become proficient in reading, writing, expressing ideas, vocabulary and structures of maths, science, social studies etc.
Hukanui provides a supportive environment for speakers of all languages. If your child has a first language other than English, they may need some support with their oral language and literacy skills.
The ELLs programme is taught at levels appropriate to the student's level of proficiency, in small groups of students from similar year-levels and with similar needs. The specialist team recognises that there are varied language needs from foundation to more advanced academic language and this is reflected in the delivery of the programme. Students may be withdrawn from class to receive sessions of intensive language support, or they may remain in class where they receive in-class support.
ELLs lessons cover listening, speaking, reading and writing, and are delivered in ways that support the classroom programmes. Lessons often reinforce or prepare students for topics being studied in their home class. This is achieved through engaging in aspects of vocabulary, structure, grammar and conversation within fun contexts.